Allan Landon has been in the entertainment business for 30 years and his considered a true renaissance man that started his career as a piano player in his youth that lead to composing, songwriting and producing.
Allan will be a true asset to TW3 Music in the role Vice President of TW3 Music for the newly formed Artist Management company as well as and Co- Manager-Co-Producer of TW3 Music artists. In past years, Tom Walsh and Allan Landon worked together as a team for many years at Walsh Music Group in New York and Los Angeles; co- producing many songs together.
Allan Landon worked on the following projects and songs from 1978 to 2013 that were either produced, composed, written, recorded, in films or performed live. The first big hit was “{Sending Out An} S.O.S.” The Moments #1 on the Billboard Disco Charts in both U.S. and England, “I Love You More Than Ever” by Blood Sweat and Tears on Columbia Records produced by Bob James, “Magic in the Music” by Roberta Gilliam on Buddha Records that became a major NYC disco hit, “The Bigger the Box” sang by Nicky Prendergrass on Central Park/The Holmes Line Company that was a NYC hit, “Love Conquers All” was the featured Song at “Jazz for the White House” and performed in the White House for President Reagan by Grammy winner Dianne Schuur, “Black Christmas/White Christmas for 57th Street Posee on Sonet-UK Records, this black/white rap duo charted in England as a top ten dance hit, “Just Your Love” by Michael Camacho while also doing vocal arrangements for many of his songs. Allan also played keyboards on All-Platinum/Sugar Hill Records with Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five, “Roxanne, Roxanne” with UTFO/Select Records and was a number one national Rap Hit that he sampled sounds and played keyboards, “Let’s Go All The Way” for Sly Fox on Columbia Records that was also Top Ten Pop/R&B Hit, Wendell Stuart, the late, legendary Bahamian singer, Hip-Hop artist “Dex”, Quantum Art’s Desktop Diary, “Barbie’s Digital Makeover” for Mattel and “Smile” on the “Best of Barbie” CD. Allan also produced and wrote a comedy record for Chris Rush on two critically acclaimed comedy albums, contributed to National Lampoon Magazine and released on Atlantic Records.